Blissful Stories Photography and Video is an innovative business that is constantly improving. We make fine art and Cinematography with digital technology and provide a once in a lifetime experience.

We understand that finding the perfect fit Photographer or Videographer can be intimidating, with no room for error. We also understand that you may not even know what you are looking for and may not have all the details about what you need. That is why we recommend a meetup to get to know each other and to go into details about what to expect. This meetup could be in person, on the phone or video. We know that Weddings and Events can be a lot of work and very stressful. Therefore, we do our best to make everything as easy as possible.

We offer many different services and each experience is different from one another. Contact for a customized quote based on your experience. We would love to get to know you and your vision!

 Located in Napa Valley, and more than willing to travel.

 You can reach us at any time at by email, text or call


 -Paul & Michelle